Press ReleaseBank to Collect Books

A special community effort to restock the shelves at The BookEnd used bookstore inside the Iowa City Public Library is underway at local MidWestOne banks throughout September.

Each MidWestOne bank in Iowa City will accept gently-read fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books at a special inside collection box. Donations of DVDs and music CDs in their original cases are also welcome. Bank customers, staff, and the public can deliver their donations during convenient bank hours.

“It’s wonderful that MidWestOne Bank is hosting this drive for The Book End. We look forward to selling a lot of quality books, movies, and music which will help provide prize books to everyone who finishes the library’s Summer Reading Program next summer,” says Patty McCarthy, Development Director of the Iowa City Public Library.

Book End proceeds directly benefit the Library’s Summer Reading Program and Art-to-Go program in addition to meeting general needs of the Library. The Book End is staffed by dedicated volunteers as a fundraising activity of the Iowa City Public Library Friends Foundation.