Borrowing & Fees

Jump to: Loan Periods | Renewals | Holds | Limits | Fines

Loan Periods

Item Type Loan Period
Art-to-Go 8 weeks
Book Club Kits 6 weeks
Books, Nonfiction DVDs, Music CDs, Read-Along Sets, Toys, Discovery Kits, Read with Me Kits 3 weeks
Express Books 2 weeks
Movie & TV DVDs, Express DVDs, Video Games, Magazines, DVD/Blu-Ray Player 1 week

Staff may request a photo ID to confirm identity when checking out equipment.


We will automatically renew items up to the number of times listed by item type in the table. Exceptions include items requested by another person and accounts that are expired or blocked due to unpaid fines or replacement fees.

You’ll be notified by email two days before the due date if the item is renewed.

Item Type Renewals
Most books, CDs, Toys, Read with Me Kits, Adult Nonfiction DVDs 2
DVDs, Video Games, Magazines, NEW Items, Book Club Kits 1
Art-to-Go, Equipment, Express Items, Reserved Items, Discovery Kits 0


Holds can be placed on items through the catalog, or by calling the Library. You can choose to pick them up at the Downtown location or on the Bookmobile.

You can have up to 12 items on hold at a time. If you'd like to place more than 12 holds, you can place those at the Help Desk for 50¢ each.

When an item is ready for pick up, we will send a notification by email or postal mail. If you’re having problems getting our notification emails, add to your address book.

If you don't need an item right away, you can log into your account to freeze the hold which will suspend your request.


The overall limit for borrowing items is 75 per person. Most items don’t have limits. Those with exceptions are:

Item Type Limit
Art-To-Go 2
Express DVDs 2
Video Games 2
Book Club Kits 1
DVD Player 1
Discovery Kits 1

A borrower may not present multiple cards to increase the number of items they are allowed to take.


Starting July 1, 2022, we are fine free on all materials. Read frequently asked questions about what that means.

Replacement fees are charged for materials not returned or returned with damage.

We will send a reminder email two days before an item is due and twice after its due date if we have your email address. If we don’t have your email address, we will send two notices by mail.

Replacement fees are charged based on the item’s loan period.

Item Loan Period Replacement Fee
Equipment 3 days after due date
1-week loan 14 days after due date
2-week loan 21 days after due date
3-week loan 21 days after due date
6-week loan 21 days after due date
8-week loan 21 days after due date

If you reach $10 or more in unpaid replacement fees, you won’t be able to check out or reserve any items until they are paid. These can be paid in-person at the Help Desk or online by logging into your account, selecting Fines in the account menu, and paying from there.