Free COVID-19 Test Kits Available at ICPL

Free Test Kits Available at ICPL 

Free COVID-19 test kits provided by Johnson County Public Health are available for the public to pick up from Iowa City Public Library and the ICPL Bookmobile, while supplies last. Please take only what you immediately need.

How to Obtain a Test Kit

At Iowa City Public Library, 123 S Linn Street, a pick-up station is located just inside the main entrance past the bulletin boards. Kits are available at the Downtown Library Monday through Thursday, 10:00 am-9:00 pm; Friday 10:00 am-8:00 pm; Saturday 10:00 am-6:00 pm; and Sunday 12:00 pm-5:00 pm, while supplies last. Kits are on the ICPL Bookmobile during its operational hours. Learn more about the Bookmobile’s weekly stops at 

At the Library and Bookmobile locations:

  • Wear a face mask when picking up test kits.
  • If you are sick or show symptoms of COVID-19, please ask a friend or family member to pick up a test kit for you.
  • There is a limit of five kits per household. 
  • Test kits are available first-come, first-served while supplies last.
  • Test kits are restocked weekly as supplies are available. 

How the Test Kits Work

  1. Instructions in English and Spanish are in the contents of your at-home saliva test kit. 
  2. Follow the enclosed instructions to activate your test online.
  3. Then, complete it at home or in your vehicle (not at the Bookmobile or the Library). 
  4. Follow the instructions in the kit to return your test to the nearest UPS drop-off location using the prepaid return label included in the kit. Do not return completed test kits to Iowa City Public Library or the ICPL Bookmobile. 
  5. Results are received by email about 24 hours after the sample is received at the State Hygienic Lab. Kits can also be dropped off directly at the State Hygienic Lab, 2490 Cross Park Road, Coralville, or at the Johnson County Public Health Department, 855 South Dubuque St, #217, Iowa City.  

Learn More

Test Iowa is a partnership between the Iowa Department of Public Health and the State Hygienic Lab to ensure all Iowans have access to free COVID-19 testing. For more information, to find other at-home test pick-up sites, or to have a COVID-19 test kit sent to you from TestIowa, visit or call the State Hygienic Lab at 833-286-8378.


COVID Test Kit

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