Staff Picks... Just for You!

Staff Picks... Just for You: Logo

Looking for recommendations on what you should check out next? Library staff are here to help! Let us support your discovery of new titles and authors, whether you’re looking for something similar to things that you have loved in the past or something entirely different.

At ICPL, we understand the feeling you get after you’ve devoured a favorite series and want to find something similar to satisfy your need for more. We understand when you fall into a reading rut and are eager to try something new or unfamiliar. The good news for you is that we have a staff full of reading, movie, and music enthusiasts with varying interests and points of view. Tell us what you are interested in, and our team will use our collective experience to recommend materials that are just for you.

Ready to get started? Fill out the form, tell us about what you are looking for and give us a little bit of insight into things that you have liked or disliked in the past.  Library staff will get back to you with 3-5 different recommendations that we think you will love! 


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