Great Iowa Treasure Hunt

FREE MONEY!!!! (Maybe) Every year Micheal Fitzgerald, State Treasurer of Iowa, publishes information about unclaimed property. It is called the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt. I have never entered my name in the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt because I couldn't imagine I had unclaimed property. This year, for some reason, I entered my first and last name and the city where I reside and voila, there was a link to unclaimed property of under $100. (The unclaimed funds were from CenturyLink and must have been what was owed me when I canceled my landline.)

To claim my unclaimed funds I had to share more information with the Iowa State Treasury Department. This can be done online or, if you are concerned about security, by phone of mail. I threw caution to the wind and shared the required information and received a message stating that I would get an email with the next steps to follow.

An email from Iowa Unclaimed Property arrived almost immediately with the message that my claim was small enough that no further documentation was needed.  It further stated that in five to seven days I would receive a check for the grand total of $19.69.  My lucky day!  Take a look at the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt.  There might just be a treasure, big or small, waiting to be claimed by you.

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My neighbor got a check I was wondering if there's money for me!

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