Posted by Meredith on Wednesday, Feb 1, 2017
Join the national movement to make math the cool thing to do after school by attending Iowa City Public Library’s Crazy 8s Math Club. This fun and educational program for elementary students in kindergarten through second grade meets from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Storytime Room every Tuesday.
Crazy 8s from the Bedtime Math Foundation is designed to get kids fired up about math. Participants will build things, run and jump, make music – even make a mess – while making new friends and increasing their understanding of math.
Registration isn’t required and participants don’t need to attend every club meeting – but they’ll probably want to!
Here’s what we have planned for February:
February 7: Funky Fractals
Get funky with patterns and mazes! Create crazy patterns with wax sticks, and connect them to make a giant version. Then design your own waxy maze to stump your friends.
February 14: Walk on the Wild Side
How do ladybugs, crabs and lizards run so fast with all those extra legs? They use math! We’ll run, walk and gallop like animals to learn some fancy footwork.
February 21: Super-Cube Shuffle
Math and art collide when you use specially colored cubes to create cool designs. After a round of design copy mania, you’ll be a super-cube pro!
February 28: Epic Air Traffic Control
This week we will build an Epic Air Traffic Control: Build your own airport, complete with finger-light airplanes and glow stick runways. Use your math skills to land all the planes safely!
For more information, call the Library at 319-356-5200.