Posted by Brian on Wednesday, Dec 14, 2016
Want the read some new Star Wars books after watching Rogue One? The Library has you covered!
In Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, author James Luceno sets the stage for Rogue One: War is tearing the galaxy apart. For years the Republic and the Separatists have battled across the stars, each building more and more deadly technology in an attempt to win the war. As a member of Chancellor Palpatine’s top secret Death Star project, Orson Krennic is determined to develop a superweapon before their enemies can. An old friend of Krennic’s, the brilliant scientist Galen Erso, could be the key.
Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide by Pablo Hidalgo is the essential, comprehensive guide to Rogue One. This detailed title features in-depth character profiles, plus five new, fully annotated cross-sections of vehicles and mapped-out locations. This book is packed with information and stills from the movie.
In Star Wars Galactic Maps: An Illustrated Atlas of the Star Wars Universe readers learn about all of the various planets of the Star Wars universe with detailed maps showing the different worlds and characters. This looks like the perfect book for any avid Star Wars fan. There's also a spread introducing the planet and characters featured in Rogue One.
And for something really different, we have Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy: Propaganda art has been synonymous with life in the galaxy far, far away. Whether it's a poster of a Star Destroyer h overing over a planet in a display of Imperial domination; a symbol painted on a wall to deliver a message of hope on behalf of the Rebellion; or a mural depicting a line of stormtroopers to promote unity within the First Order, this type of art, as an instrument of persuasive fear mongering and impassioned idealism, captures the ever-changing tides of politics and public sentiment across the galaxy. Star Wars Propaganda is an in-world history that threads together the stories behind these images--why they were created, how they were indicative of the times, who were the artists behind them--and delivers a glimpse into the anger, passion, and corruption that fuel the galaxy's greatest wars.
I'm excited to look through all of these titles, and there are many more available here at ICPL!
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