Posted on Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013
Specifically designed for children with autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration issues, or other developmental disabilities, Sensory Storytimes is a warm, welcoming event that meets the first Saturday of the month in the Storytime Room at 1:30 p.m.
Activities include tactile books, songs, stories, and activities that will provide the opportunity for hands-on participation. Friends and siblings are encouraged to come along. A caretaker must accompany each child with special needs.
Each storytime lasts for 25-30 minutes, with extra time at the end of each program for caretakers and children to socialize.
The next Sensory Storytime will be Saturday, May 4, at 1:30 p.m. Summer dates are June 1, July 6, and August 3.
Before your visit, try using our "Child’s Introduction to the Library" social story to see pictures of our Children's Room.
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