Something very exciting will happen on Monday, August 21. We will get to witness a solar eclipse. While we aren't in the path for the total eclipse, at 1:12:42 th e moon will obscure 92.3% of the sun. I witnessed a total solar eclipse in...
Author Archive for Maeve
Monday, Aug 7, 2017
Bond Issue. 60% required. Shall the Board of Directors of the Iowa City Community School District in the County of Johnson, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $191...
Friday, Jul 21, 2017
Last year on July 21, I wrote about the heat and humidity and evapotranspiration. This July 21, it seemed apt to share the same information. Evapotranspiration, what on earth is that you ask? Well, let me tell you. Evapotranspiration is corn...
Wednesday, Jun 28, 2017
Do you drive to Cedar Rapids? Do you have an opinion about I-380 and the traffic flow between Highway 30 and I-80? Of course you do, everyone does and the Iowa Department of Transportation wants you to share your opinions with them. The first...
Tuesday, Feb 7, 2017
Fake news. Alternative facts. The post-truth world. In this rapid-fire world of social media, how do yo u know which sources to trust and which to dismiss? First of all, ask us. Librarians have been teaching information literacy for as long...
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017
Have you missed the sun? It's out there, of course, though hiding behind the clouds that make our days seem so grey and dreary. Is January the greyest month of the year or are we simply experiencing a run of gloomy skies? It turns out that...
Wednesday, Dec 28, 2016
I have recently read a couple of posts about food emoji and really wanted to learn about how an emoji goes from an idea to a pictograph on my phone and why there are only 82 food emoji. The Unicode Consortium Emoji Subcommittee makes decisions...
Thursday, Nov 3, 2016
¨Let’s have an animal fact a day. Melody posted on Tuesday about " Weird Animal Facts" and right next to it on the ne w shelf is "The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts" by Maja Safstrom . Well, it was on the shelf until I snatched...
Wednesday, Sep 21, 2016
Shakespeare in prisons is a thing, a powerful and life-changing thing. The library has books and documentaries on how Shakespeare's works are used in prisons and other unconventional locations, such as Shakespeare Saved My Life : ten years in...
Friday, Sep 2, 2016
I've had a library card since I was a wee one. I grew up in Tipton, Iowa and spent hours and hours at the library. My mom was on the library board so I think I even got to go to the library when it was closed. I can still conjure up the large...
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About Maeve
Maeve previously worked at the Iowa City Public Library as the Adult Services Coordinator.