Author Archive for Candice

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014

We're getting ready for our next B.Y.O.Book meet-up, and this time we're taking a wild ride through the digestive system--top to bottom, so to speak! Join us August 26 at Trumpet Blossom to discuss Mary Roach's Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary...

Saturday, Aug 2, 2014

Summer is usually a time where I go through many books, at a fairly quick pace, because I'm doing other things that go well with reading...lying on a beach, relaxing in the air conditioning, sitting on a bench downtown having a cold drink--you get...

Saturday, May 10, 2014

About a year ago, a patron came to the Reference Desk and asked me to help him find a      picture of Curtis Bridge. "Who's Curtis Bridge?" I asked. As it turns out, it's not a who, but a what. A bridge! A bridge that gave its name to the road...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cinco de Mayo has come and gone, but don't worry, there is still reason to celebrate this is National Teacher Day! The National Education Association urges folks to take the time to thank a teacher today, and I think it's a great idea!...

Saturday, Apr 5, 2014

There's really not a whole lot to say about this little book, it speaks for itself. It's a tiny morsel of complete happiness, wrapped up in a flurry of pictures of ridiculously cute kittens doing kittenish things. Kittens sleeping, kittens learning...

Wednesday, Mar 19, 2014

In the March 15 issue of Library Journal, Library Science assistant professor Michael Stephens questions whether libraries should be replacing librarians with technology experts who have excellent customer service and instructional skills. This...

Friday, Mar 14, 2014

Tonight someone called the Reference Desk to find out what the weather was in a particular place, on a particular day. We sometimes get calls related to weather, people wanting to know how much precipitation occurred during that month that seemed...

Thursday, Mar 6, 2014

So, this p ast Tuesday, I found myself wanting to discuss a good book and  have a nice beer. That happens to me often on Tuesdays...wait, what did you say? You too??!! Well, you're in luck! Get ready for B.Y.O.Book , the Library's new books in...

Tuesday, Mar 4, 2014

The beginning of Lent is near, and those who participate in this ritual of going without are preparing to give up something that is meaningful in some way. I know many people are inspired by this event; Christians and those holding other beliefs...

Saturday, Feb 15, 2014

Ah, Valentine's Day. Cards and candies, hearts and love, gift anxiety and expensive dinners. Where do you come from? There were, in fact, two Valentines who could be the St. Valentine. One was a priest in third century Rome who continued to...

About Candice

Candice's picture

I work at the Info Desk on the second floor, and I select books for the adult nonfiction collection. I have a degree in anthropology, which really helps in selecting...well...almost anything. I also manage the Art To Go collection of framed prints and original art, and the nonfiction DVDs. What do you like to read? In no particular order:...