These Covid-19 days, I am mourning the job for which I was hired. Even as I shelve books, wrap them for mailing, ferry them to the curb, I miss being a children’s librarian; miss interacting with kids and families; miss helping them with reading and educational activities; miss sharing my skills and experience in story times and book baby sessions; miss doing outreach to schools, pre-schools and day care programs; miss being greeted by children’s smiles, by their excited shouts when the kids saw me, “Miss Karen, Miss Karen, oh, Miss Karen!”
Author Archive for Karen G
Wednesday, Jun 3, 2020
Are you expecting a baby? Belly Babies is a special library event for expecting parents. Join us for a Virtual Belly Babies on Saturday, June 13th from 1-2:45pm. We’ll plan on having 20-25 minutes of discussion, and then open up for questions after each session. Can’t stay for the whole program or you are unable to meet at this time? No worries, as this program will be recorded and posted on the Iowa City Public Library’s website for future viewing.
Friday, May 31, 2019
Developing a reading ritual begins at birth! Did you know that we have a reading program for babies and toddlers, too? Parents and caregivers can register their baby or toddler for summer reading and together work on a fun activity game card that...
Friday, Feb 1, 2019
Families are faced with many changes after baby arrives, but implementing a daily reading routine doesn’t need to be one of them. Today the Iowa City Public Library launches a new program – Belly Baby Reads – to help growing families...
Friday, Jan 11, 2019
Singing – is one of the Five Early Literacy Practices, and preschoolers, toddlers, and babies love to sing! We Children’s librarians love to sing in all our storytimes! We encourage parents to sing with their children and remind parents that...
Friday, Nov 3, 2017
Parents who are expecting the pitter-patter of little feet are invited to the Iowa City Public Library’s Belly Babies. This is a pre-birth class held in the Children's Storytime Room each Saturday afternoon from 3-4 pm. The topic this Saturday,...
Friday, Oct 20, 2017
Parents who are expecting the pitter-patter of little feet are invited to the Iowa City Public Library’s Belly Babies. This is a pre-birth class held in the Children's Storytime Room each Saturday afternoon from 3-4 pm. You’ll learn early...
Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017
Parents who are expecting the pitter-patter of little feet are invited to the Iowa City Public Library’s Belly Babies. This is a pre-birth class held in the Children's Storytime Room each Saturday afternoon from 3-4 pm. The topic this Saturday,...
Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017
I babysit my 3 year old grandson on Thursdays. He’s a good kid and he’s lucky that communication and parenting are loving and consistent in his home. Theo and Mimi "Date" at the Children's Museum. Many times we have “Grandma dates.” Like...
Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016
Earlier this year I received my yoga certificate for A Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) 200 hours. Two weeks ago I completed The Kids ’ Yoga Teacher Training, a 25-hour course with Dana Robinson, Founder of Sweet Feet Yoga. I love working with...
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About Karen G

I'm Karen, and I work in the Children's Room. You can find me at the Children's Desk, or out and about town delivering outreach storytimes at community daycares and preschools. I also lead the Book Babies program on Friday. I love kid's books. I enjoy the stories and appreciate the art and creative concepts found in picture books and board books....