Some years ago I was vacationing with my friend Carrie in Krakow, Poland, and we found ourselves having dinner in a restaurant called Wierzynek. It has been around since 1364. I honestly don't remember the food being anything spectacular, but that...
Author Archive for Candice
Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018
And I do mean a good old walk! On November 5, 1881, Anton Stein woke up, had coffee in the guest house he was at on Dubuque St., then went and murdered his wife. In between those disparate acts, he made a couple stops. On his walk, he would...
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018
and you're to blame. Yes, you. Valentine's Day is coming up, when we remember and give thanks for two early Christians in Rome, both named Valentine, both martyred for their beliefs. You don't do that? Maybe you write saccharine poetry to the...
Wednesday, Jan 17, 2018
Like books? Like bars? Like good food and drink, and lively conversation? Then you might want to join us at our next BYOBook meet-up! We're meeting on Tuesday, February 6, at Basta Pizzeria Ristorante , starting at 6:30 p.m. We will be discussing...
Friday, Nov 10, 2017
The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth, Jennie A. Brownscombe (1914), Pilgrim Hall Museum I love finding out what is behind our holidays and traditions--why do we put a tree in the house? why the painted eggs? why did he put ashes on my forehead?--but...
Wednesday, Oct 4, 2017
When I was a child, I used to love watching scary movies with my dad. He had this great La-Z-Boy chair that the two of us could fit in, and on weekends we would rent a movie or two (VHS, mind you), make popcorn, and terrify ourselves silly. Well, I...
Thursday, Aug 31, 2017
The Press Citizen recently had an article about Gloria Dei Lutheran Church's plans to relocate a historical home on their property, before selling said property to the UI. That house was at one time owned by Theodore Sanxay, one of Iowa City's...
Friday, Jul 28, 2017
B.Y.O.Book, the Library's books-in-bars book club, has some new events coming up! Grab a book, then pull up a chair to discuss it with us, while enjoying some food and drink at a great, local restaurant. Find more information and register for...
Saturday, May 27, 2017
There are many reasons to take some time and visit Hickory Hill Park: have a picnic in the shelter at the Bloomington St. entrance, take a leisurely stroll and see some native wildflowers, go for a run and get a good workout on the hill up to Pappy...
Wednesday, Apr 19, 2017
A couple days ago, I found myself uttering a sentence that seemed impossible, not only to say, but to believe: "Jim Jones did a lot of really good things!" Amazingly, it's true; as a pastor in Indianapolis, IN, he served for many years and helped...
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About Candice

I work at the Info Desk on the second floor, and I select books for the adult nonfiction collection. I have a degree in anthropology, which really helps in selecting...well...almost anything. I also manage the Art To Go collection of framed prints and original art, and the nonfiction DVDs. What do you like to read? In no particular order:...