I count myself among the lucky few: I work at Iowa City Public Library. The staff here are truly dedicated to what they do, and their knowledge of books is formidable. Since I'm expecting my first child in a few weeks my coworkers threw me a...
Author Archive for Bond
Tuesday, Mar 24, 2015
Get the podcast here or from iTunes or Stitcher "Great Movies that Didn't Win Oscars, and Jen's Dating Game Results" This month the gang discusses Great Movies that Didn't Win Oscars plus Jen is back with follow up on how her Blind Date...
Monday, Mar 23, 2015
This month we share a musician who will be performing at the upcoming Mission Creek Festival, a quick read, a mystery, and a book Maeve describes as a "Gateway from fiction to nonfiction." Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scbravKUSzE...
Thursday, Feb 26, 2015
Get the podcast here or from iTunes or Stitcher This month's very special episode is an interview with the staff of City of Literature: John Kenyon and Rachael Carlson. They'll talk about books, reading, and writing in Iowa City and what...
Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015
If you found the Fifty Shades series a little lacking, or if you loved it and want to explore more books of the genre, Terri has some great recommendations for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKCKb-Pj6To ...
Thursday, Jan 29, 2015
Get the podcast here or from iTunes or Stitcher "Books that make you look smart, and short books to help you fulfill your resolution to read more books this year." First up, what we're reading/watching/listening to: 00:47 Melody finished...
Monday, Jan 12, 2015
Just in time for those with the common New Year's resolution to "Read More Books," NPR's Morning Edition has started their own book club. The premise of the club is simple: A well-known writer will pick a book he or she loved. We'll all read it....
Thursday, Dec 18, 2014
Get the podcast here or from iTunes or Stitcher This month we're talking about 2014 Year End! Do we really need another best of list? Sure! We also talk about things we started watching or reading but just couldn't get into, and reading...
Wednesday, Nov 26, 2014
Get the podcast here or from iTunes or Stitcher Episode 6: "How to Survive the Holidays Using Library Resources" 00:52 What we're reading/watching/listening to Brian - My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories - Edited and with a...
Tuesday, Nov 4, 2014
Get the podcast here or from iTunes or Stitcher Episode 5: "Favorite Picture Books & The Book Genre Dating Game" 01:15 Brian talks the TV show Arrow 02:26 Jen is watching Inspector Lewis 04:00 Jason is listening to the new Caribou album 06:30...
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About Bond

Bond is the AV Librarian and records and livestreams video of programs happening in the Library. She also does tech help in person and over the phone.