Belly Babies

Belly Babies is a pre-birth early literacy program designed to help families start a reading ritual before the baby arrives. Research suggests that your baby can hear you and your partner's voice as early as 23 weeks.
Families at any stage are welcome, whether it's your first or later child!
Expecting your little bundle of joy?
Download the Belly Babies Reads bookmark or pick one up at the Library to participate. After 50 read alouds, bring in your completed bookmark for a prize.
- Fetal Sense of Hearing: What Your Baby Can Hear in Utero - What To Expect
- Parents' tips: how to love your bump - Baby Centre
- What Babies Learn In the Womb - Parenting
- Babies Learn to Recognize Words in the Womb - Science Magazine
Upcoming events
There are no upcoming events.
Past events
Saturday, September 21, 2019 - 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Storytime Room