What the dog knows : [scent, science, and the amazing ways dogs perceive the world]
Cat Warren
j636.70886 Warren
Kids, Nonfiction, Animals
"In this young readers edition of the New York Times bestseller, Cat Warren and her canine companion, Solo, teach readers that the nose knows no bounds when it comes to working together, being persistent, and helping others. But he's only one of many thousands of scent-detection dogs all over the United States. That's a group that includes cadaver dogs, tracking, trailing, and apprehension dogs, and dogs that can locate unmarked graves of Civil War soldiers. What the Dog Knows shows the science, the rigorous training, and the skilled handling that underlie these amazing abilities."--Back cover.
Sweet dreamers
Isabelle Simler
jE Simler
Picture Books, Nature, Animals
Several different animals settle in for the night, each with their own unique way of sleeping.
Soft and cozy, Simler's latest is a beautiful and informative look at animal sleep habits. Also, it glows under black light! -Casey
Snow Pony and the Seven Miniature Ponies
Christian Trimmer
jE Trimmer
Picture Books, Fantasy, Humor, Classics, Animals
In this twist on the story of Snow White, pretty and sweet Snow Pony--beloved by children for her talent in braiding hair and dancing--follows a trail of delicious apples into the woods, where she meets seven miniature ponies.
An enchantingly hilarious retelling of Snow White that stars, you guessed it, ponies!! What's not to love? -Casey
Once upon a jungle
Laura Knowles
jE Knowles
Picture Books, Nature, Animals
This rhyming text is an eye-catching and fun first look at the jungle as an ecosystem and the food chain found within. -Casey
Added by Anne W