Posted by Otherstaff on Saturday, Mar 24, 2012
According to Gretchen Kolderup, YALSA's Best of the Best Reading Challenge begins April 1, 2012 (no April Fool's joke, I promise). She writes, "You'll have three months (until July 1, 2012) to read as many titles as you can from YALSA's 2012 award winners and honor books and selected Top Tens (including Amazing Audiobooks, Best Fiction for Young Adults, Great Graphic Novels, Popular Paperbacks, and Quick Picks). Everyone who completes the challenge will have the opportunity to create a response to their favorite book from the challenge that will be posted on The Hub, and you could also win a tote bag of 2012 YA literature. Keep an eye on The Hub for details."
Follow the links if you want to view the lists. ICPL has all of the books, so feel free to take the challenge!
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