We Need Your Help on Children’s Day!

Children painting Please consider volunteering for the Iowa Arts Festival on Children’s Day, coming up June 3!  You will receive a free Summer of the Arts Volunteer T‐shirt to wear while volunteering at the events.  There are many options of times and activities to choose from throughout the day.

Signing up is easy:
Step 1: Go to the Summer of the Arts website (http://www.summerofthearts.org) and click on the volunteer tab at the top of the page. If you already have a volunteer account with us, click on the button that says Volunteer Login at the top of the page to skip the sign up process.

Step 2: Click on and fill out the online volunteer application.

Step 3: Once you’ve completed the online application, you are able to sign up for shifts immediately, or log back in later at your convenience to choose when and where you’d like to help out. Again, please consider signing up for shifts on Children’s Day.

Step 4: We welcome your spouses, partners, family and friends to get involved and volunteer with you! Just make sure they fill out their own online volunteer application.

Any questions? Please email Lauren Wretman at volunteers.sota@gmail.com or call the Summer of the Arts office at 319‐337‐7944.

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