Posted by Morgan on Saturday, Sep 23, 2017
It may not feel like it but yesterday was the first day of autumn. To welcome fall (and some hopefully cooler weather) we read a poem and a story about how summer changes into fall and danced like falling leaves. We followed a bear on a hike over a mountain and marched along. Then we read and sang about my favorite part of fall, apples! We learned how an apple tree grows apples throughout the year and then pretended to be apple trees. Finally we watched a movie based on the book by Peter Brown which follows a bear explaining why Children Make Terrible Pets. Check out the list below of books, songs and rhymes.
Changes: A Child's First Poetry Collection by Charlotte Zolotow
Hocus Pocus, It's Fall! by Anne Sibley O'Brien
The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall
Songs and Rhymes
Clap Everybody and Say Hello by Kathy Reid-Naiman
Shake Your Scarves by Johnette Downing
Animal Actions
Jump like a frog Stretch like a cat Hop like a bunny Flap like a bat Wiggle like a worm Slither like a snake Now be a wet dog And shake, shake, shake
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
The bear went over the mountain, (marching in place) The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain, To see what he could see.
And all that he could see, (hand up looking around) And all that he could see, Was the other side of the mountain, (marching in place) The other side of the mountain, The other side of the mountain, Was all that he could see.
Apple Tree
This is the tree with leaves so green (wiggle fingers above head) Here are the apples that hang in between (make fists) When the wind blows (wave arms) The apples will fall (arms down to floor) Here is the basket to gather them all (make circle with arms)
Children Make Terrible Pets by Peter Brown