Save the Date: Iowa City Book Festival

BookFestKidsEvent On Saturday, July 14, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., bring the whole family to celebrate books, reading and writing. The Iowa City Book Festival will feature authors, crafts for kids, bookmaking demonstrations, live music, poetry, guest lectures and panels, book sellers and publishers, and plenty of food at the UofI Pentacrest. Saturday’s events include breakfast on the lawn with storybook characters. Children will have the opportunity to get their picture taken with four different characters from popular books:
Lily from Kevin Henkes’ book, “Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse.”
Pig from Laura Numeroff’s book, “If You Give a Pig a Pancake.”
Froggy from Jonathan London’s book, “Froggy Gets Dressed.”
Cat from Rob Scotton’s book, “Splat the Cat.”

Iowa City Book Festival
July 13, 14, & 15
UofI Pentacrest
(corner of Iowa and Clinton)

The Iowa City Public Library will offer book-related crafts for children from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The family stage will host several performances. Many children's authors and illustrators will read from their books, including Peter and Connie Roop, Arthur Geisert, Jim Aylesworth and the noted children's literature expert and author, Leonard Marcus. You can also purchase books at the festival and have them signed by their authors. Mark your calendar for this special weekend in Iowa City that celebrates books and reading. For more information, visit in the coming months.

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