Kids Teach Adults How to Skype, Map, and Work an iPad

OAKTech (Older Adults and Kids and Technology) is a series of monthly technology classes offering skills training in Skype, Google Maps, iPads, and other apps and devices. More than just an instructional series, OAKTech brings together children and older adults to spend quality time in a friendly learning atmosphere.

computer_games_kids In a spin on the usual classroom environment, children work with the adult participants to show them how to use new technologies, helping to bridge the tech gap between several generations.

Classes are held in the Computer Lab at the Iowa City Public Library from 11:00am until noon (current schedule below). There is a 15 older adult limit per class, so please contact the ICPL at 319-356-5200 to register.

Class schedule
Saturday, March 30: Skype
Saturday, April 20: Google Maps
Saturday, May 18: iPads

OAKTech Poster OAKTech is sponsored by the ICPL, University of Iowa LEAP Program, Mann Elementary School Lego League, and Lemme Elementary School Lego League.

For more information on all of ICPL’s computer class offerings, click here.



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