Fresh Picks: Election Edition

It may seem like this election season may never end, but soon enough it will be Election Day (November 8th this year) and we will have a new president. While kids may not be able to have an official say just yet, they can check out some of our newest presidential reads from the jNonfiction section.

First up, we check in with the Cat in the Hat (who always knows a lot about that). In the grand rhyming tradition of Dr. Seuss, One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote by Bonnie Worth explains the whole voting process to our youngest citizens. Will you vote for Thing One or Thing Two?

Keep your sense of humor by checking out Your Presidential Dream Team by Daniel O'Brien. The premise is outlandish, if you were a time traveler required to form a squad of amazing former presidents to set a catastrophic future right, who would make your team? You may only choose from deceased presidents, as living presidents could still do something great or terrible to affect history's view of them. Pick your candidates to fill these five spots: Brains, Brawn, Loose Cannon, Moral Compass, and Roosevelt. O'Brien provides brief but quirky overviews of each president's life, presidency, and team qualifications.

If you're wondering if you're qualified to be president someday, take a look at Becoming President by Michael Rajczak. This clear and concise title presents both the legal and personal qualifications you will need to make it all the way to the highest office in Unites States. The pages are full of interesting facts about past presidents and advice on how to be a better leader in your own community, which is always a good start for future presidents.

Last, while we are electing a new president, we are also saying goodbye to our current president, Barack Obama. Our first Hawaiian born president, as well as our first black president, President Obama has been in office for nearly eight years. Whether you like him or not, he has certainly led an interesting life. Learn more about his childhood and life before being president in Who is Barack Obama? by Roberta Edwards.


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