Posted by Shawna on Monday, Mar 21, 2016
While I am loving my slow trek through Tolstoy’s War and Peace as part of a book group, I do appreciate some additional input after finishing some chapters. While searching online recently for a chapter summary and analysis, I found an edition of War and Peace that really broke the book down to a level that I could certainly understand and included some beautiful images.
While actually intended for babies and toddlers (considering it is a board book), I must admit I wasted no time in ordering a copy from Amazon.
I was happy to discover this edition of War and Peace is merely one in the delightful Cozy Classics board book series. On their website, creators, Jack and Holman Wang explain, “ classic was written for the classroom; every one was written to give pleasure. We prefer to get away from the classroom and have kids grow up thinking of The Great Books as great fun.” This series, with its simplified stores and beautiful art, is a great way to make classics interesting and accessible at an early age.
Find books in this series including Pride and Prejudice, Tom Sawyer, and others in our collection. Jack and Holman Wang introduce little ones to other essential stories with their similar series, Star Wars Epic Yarns, also available from ICPL. Still curious about these books? Check out their YouTube Channel for book trailers and behind the scenes clips.
Now be honest, who will be more excited about these books; you or the little one in your life?
Think of all of those long books we all should read before we die. If they could be reduced to one word on ten to twelve pages and have felted animals and people to boot, we would all have them read. And the fact that they are called Cozy Classics is even better. And our book group meetings would be ever so simplified as there wouldn't be all that much to discuss and we could get to the real reason we have book group. Eating and drinking and discussing.
Good point, Maeve! It is amazing to me how these books were able to convey so much with just 12 words and 12 images! It actually spoiled some upcoming plot twists for myself and some other readers in our book group. Though when a book was published nearly 150 years ago, I guess I can't be too disappointed about spoilers. Maybe at our next meeting we can just discuss pages 4-6 and enjoy refreshments!
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