Posted by Maeve on Thursday, Mar 22, 2018
Facebook is fun and a great way to share information and stay connected with friends and family. Right? Right. However, after the Cambridge Analytica data-harvesting scandal you might be ready to just say goodbye to Facebook. Before you close your account, consider your options. David Nield , writing for Gizmodo, walks you through steps on how to stay on Facebook but not share any more information than necessary. Start by making your profile sparse, keep your activity to a minimum, disconnect from third-part apps, (those puzzles, games and quizzes), and continue to pay attention to your privacy settings. Nield has links to even more ways to secure your Facebook account.
Gennie Gebhart , a research and advocacy writer on consumer privacy, surveillance, and security issues for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, informs Facebook members how to control your privacy settings. She also details how Cambridge Analytica was able to access more than 50 million Facebook users' data in 2014. The Guardian gives an even more sobering look at the Cambridge Analytica scandal in a piece by Paul Lewis on Sandy Parakilas, the platform operations manager at Facebook responsible for policing data breaches by third-party software developers between 2011 and 2012. Parkilas had repeatedly warned Facebook that its lax approach to data protection would leave users vulnerable. And if you still want to go, Facebook details the steps to either deactivate or delete your account.
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