Posted by Maeve on Tuesday, Jan 16, 2018
People living and working in Iowa City are invited to participate in a community survey that will help provide direction for Iowa City's first ever Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. The short survey asks participants for their thoughts and perspectives as the Iowa City community works toward creating a plan to reduce the City's emissions reduction goals and also creating a more livable, equitable and resilient Iowa City. Iowa City's Climate Action Committee formed in November 2017 and meets on a monthly basis. Learn more about the project at
If you are interested in reading more about climate change, the library has many resources.
If simplicity is a goal for 2018 we have many titles motivate you. One of my favorite new titles is The gentle art of Swedish death cleaning : how to free yourself and your family from a lifetime of clutter with text and drawings by Margareta Magnusson. Trying to reduce your carbon footprint, we also have books and dvds to help. And if driving less is important, you can borrow books and magazines to read or listen to without leaving your home or workplace through Digital Johnson County. If you are looking for inspiration on how to buy less, Ann Patchett wrote recently in the New York Times about challenges of her year of no shopping. Or listen to her interview with friend Elissa Kim on WBUR's On Point.
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