Academic Research @ICPL


History by TNS from the Noun Project


Whenever I get a question at the Info Desk that requires digging deep into a research topic, I get a little excited (#NerdAlert). We may not carry textbooks in our collection, but if we can't find a book that meets the needs of a research topic, we still can look to our Online Resources database collection to dig into the issue. 

The tool I used yesterday is a newer one for us at the library. It's called Academic OneFile and is part of a package the State of Iowa Libraries helps public libraries purchase. Academic OneFile has a tool called "topic finder," and you can plug in a general term you're researching and use a visual guide to home in on more refined topics.


It's a fun way to explore. Click on one of the subjects and it will provide you a list of articles and citations to look through.

General OneFile caters a little less to scholarly publications but still includes trade publications in fields that benefit from professional development and continuing education. It has academic journals, too, but has a broader reach than Academic OneFile.

And if you need something like an encyclopedia because you were told not to use Wikipedia, Credo Reference is the tool to use.

These tools are always available to use in-house when the library is open. If you have a library card and password, you can use them from home.

Don't hesitate to send in your questions if you want research help, too! Our Ask Us page is the place to go to contact us at the Info Desk for research back-up.

Happy researching!

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