Strengthening your library
Make an impact with your gift to the Iowa City Public Library Friends Foundation!
Visit supportICPL.org for more information about how the ICPL Friends Foundation is working to inspire every member of our community to support the Library as a Library user, volunteer, or donor!
If you’d prefer to give via cash or check (made out to “ICPL Friends Foundation”) you can either drop your donation off at the Library’s Business Office on the second floor of the Library, or mail your check to:
Development Office
123 South Linn Street
Iowa City, IA 52240
Check with your employer to see if they will match your gift and double your impact!
Questions? Let us know at (319) 356-5249 or development@icpl.org
Other ways to support ICPL
Prefer to support us by donating gently used books? We'd love to accept them.
Would rather volunteer your time? Sounds great!
We also accept donations of vehicles! Learn how to donate your car.
Did you know your business can sponsor the ICPL through our Business Partner program? Learn more!